Sunday, October 24, 2010


A Paralegal may assist you as follows:

A paralegal can represent you in the Ontario Court of
Justice, under the Provincial Offences Act for charges like
speeding or trespassing. They can also represent you in
matters related to:

Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act
Liquor Licence Act
Environmental Protection Act
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Blind Persons Rights Act
➤ Municipal by-laws

Criminal Offences
Paralegals can  represent you in the Ontario Court of Justice if you are
charged with a minor criminal offence, as long as the
maximum term of imprisonment for the offence is not
more than six months. Examples of this type of offence
include causing a disturbance and harassing phone calls.
They also include theft under $5,000, and assault and
mischief to private property, if the Crown Attorney
elects to proceed by way of summary conviction, which
is a less serious method of proceeding.

Small Claims Court
A  paralegal can help with all matters in Small Claims Court.

A paralegal can also assist you if you have a matter before the
Landlord and Tenant Board, or most of other tribunal established
by provincial or federal governments.

The following are examples of some tribunals:
➤ Landlord and Tenant Board (for rent disputes)
Financial Services Commission of Ontario (for Statutory
    Accident Benefits Schedule claims – car accidents)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board
    (for on-the-job associated injuries)
Social Benefits Tribunal (if you are entitled to
    government assistance through programs like the
    Ontario Disability Support Program)
Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.

1 comment:

  1. Good and thanks for sharing Small Claims Paralegal. it is really very useful thanks for sharing with me.
